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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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DC's Comeback Plan Engagement


DMPED has engaged over 1,000 stakeholders to inform this strategy.

2022 Kickoff Session

In July 2022, DMPED convened community, business, and research representatives, along with District government officials, to kick off the process for updating Washington DC’s economic development strategy. The session included conversations among participants, a panel discussion with diverse perspectives, and an interactive data walk on the strengths of DC’s economy as well as challenges facing its continued prosperity. This discussion represented the beginning of the external engagement process, with opportunities for broader engagement over the summer and fall.

Roundtables: The purpose of these roundtables was to receive information about the current conditions, trends and challenges facing DC and provide DC residents, community leaders and industry experts with a chance to give their valuable input on its future. 

Resident Economic Mobility | August 23, 2022

  • This session focused on metrics and goals that can help the District align policies and track outcomes related to resident economic mobility, building on the recently released Mobility Action Plan.

Reimagining Downtown | August 25, 2022

  • This session introduced the challenges and opportunities that face Downtown DC and solicit feedback on how to shape a new vision for Downtown.

Future of Work | August 30, 2022

  • In this session, stakeholders discussed charting a path for the District economy to be resilient in the face of automation and remote work.

Neighborhoods of Opportunity | September 22, 2022

  • In this session, stakeholders identified top community development priorities at the neighborhood level to include in five-year strategy.

Spanish Speakers | September 28, 2022

  • The goal of this listening session was to surface the biggest challenges facing the Hispanic population and potential interventions to close racial economic disparities, particularly related to barriers in accessing services and community-based interventions.

DC Resident-Owned Small Businesses | October 5, 2022

  • In this session, stakeholders gave their ideas for how to address challenges facing small businesses and how to help businesses start and grow, discuss ways in which DC can create an ecosystem for innovation and small businesses to thrive.