The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) is soliciting applications from qualified food-related businesses seeking to expand their existing operations through the opening of a new business location in an area designated as having low food access (as set forth in the Act), with priority given to locations in Ward 7 and 8. The grant will be awarded pursuant to the Local Food Access Grants Emergency Amendment Act of 2021 (DC Official Code Sec. 1-328.04 (o).).
Purpose: The purpose of the Food Access Fund (FAF) Grant is to increase equitable access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food by securing grocery stores, and restaurants; support existing small businesses; attract new businesses; increase the District’s tax base; create new job opportunities for District residents; and transform designated emerging commercial corridors into thriving and inviting neighborhood centers. The FAF Grant will support qualified businesses with capital for tenant improvements related to expansion of operations into a new location in an area identified as having low food access (as set forth in the Act), with priority given to locations in Ward 7 or Ward 8.
Award: In the fourth an final round of funding, December 12, 2022 - January 12, 2023, DMPED will award up to a maximum of $5,000,000 in grants to successful grantees under this program.
Food Access Fund Awardees