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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Family-Sized Unit Study

Affordable housing is essential to families’ stability and success. To conduct the Affordable Family Sized Unit Study, DMPED contracted with the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED) in partnership with the Urban Institute to conduct the assessment of family-sized units. The study was developed per a request of Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, Chairman of the Committee on Business and Economic Development, to assess the inventory of family-sized units in the District.

The aim of this assessment is to provide a more thorough understanding of any gaps in the supply of and demand for large units in the District. Recognizing that housing is fundamental to helping families thrive in the District, this study explores the questions: is there a need for an increase in the rate of large unit production and preservation in the District? If so, where, what kind, at what price, and for whom?

To supplement the assessment, DMPED partnered with the Lab @ DC to conduct the DC Housing Survey to provide ward-level insights into residents’ experiences with housing and moving in DC. The Survey provides context around the reasons both small and large households moved to where they are, and reasons they may move in the future.

The Affordable Family-Sized Unit Study outlines avenues that can create more housing opportunities for large low-income families, and it is a critical step forward in understanding and addressing the housing needs of low-income families in DC.

Explore the Affordable Family-Sized Unit Study:

An Assessment of the Need for Large Units in the District of Columbia
Peter A. Tatian and Leah Hendey, Urban Institute
Scott Bruton, Coalition for Nonprofit Housing & Economic Development
June, 2019

DC Housing Survey Report
A supplement to the “Assessment of the Need for Large Units in the District of Columbia”
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
The Lab @ DC
June, 2019

Housing for Families in the District: The Affordable Family-Sized Unit Study in 9 Charts
DC Housing Data Blog
June, 2019

DC Housing Survey Insights Dashboard
DMPED, in partnership with MySidewalk
June, 2019