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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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DMPED Sports Team

On July 27, 2023 Mayor Bowser announced the creation of a Sports Team within the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) to plan, coordinate, and support professional and recreational sports in Washington, DC.

Led by Jonathan Kayne, Director of Special Projects and Finance at DMPED, the DMPED Sports Team will work closely with the District’s professional teams and coordinate across District agencies, including Events DC and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) to maintain, attract, and grow world-class sports teams and sporting events in Washington, DC. A focus of the DMPED Sports Team will also be to develop the next generation of DC athletes and coaches.

The Sports Team will serve as the central point of contact within the Bowser Administration for the District’s professional sports teams, as well as professional leagues looking to host large events in the District.

DC Sports Study

On October 17, DMPED announced the selection of a team to perform a Sports Study to support DMPED’s work to plan, coordinate, and support professional and recreational sports in Washington, DC.

The Sports Study will identify potential financing models for District investments in new and existing sports facilities. Over the course of the study, the team will conduct an analysis of current needs, existing financing mechanisms, and comparative research. The Study will also deliver a credible understanding of the actual and potential fiscal, economic, and community impact of sports and major sports teams to inform conversations and decisions about potential future investments. In addition, the Study will analyze the economic impact of sports and entertainment venues in the District to date, as well as the impact of potential relocations of existing major sports teams into the District.

DMPED had issued a Requests for Proposals (RFP) for the DC Sports Study in August.

View the Request for Proposals No. DCEB-2023-R-0008 - Sports Study, dated August 3, 2023.

To contact the DMPED Sports Team, email [email protected].