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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Engine 12

Engine 12 street view image (google)

Engine Company 12 – 2225 5th Street NE and 513 Rhode Island Avenue NE
RFP Release Date: November 3, 2021
RFP Submission Deadline: February 1, 2022 5:00 PM

The Government of the District of Columbia (the “District”), through the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (“DMPED”), released this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeking to receive proposals (each, a “Proposal” and collectively, “Proposals”) from individuals and/or teams (each, a “Respondent” and collectively, “Respondents”) for the redevelopment of District-owned land consisting of Lots 0216 and 0044 in Square 0131 located at 2225 5th Street, NE and 513 Rhode Island Avenue, NE (the “Development Parcel”).

The Development Parcel is approximately 30,574 square feet in size and is currently the location of Engine Company No. 12 (“Engine 12”), an active fire station built in 1987. The Development Parcel is currently improved by a one-story and two-story concrete building and paved parking lot occupied by the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department (“FEMS”). It is walking distance to the Rhode Island Avenue – Brentwood Red Line Metro station and multiple bus stops. The Development Parcel is zoned MU-10 which permits medium to high density mixed-use development by right.

Redevelopment of the site must incorporate a new fire station for Engine 12 and may include a mix of uses including retail and housing. Given robust population growth and construction activity in the area, the site is a prime candidate for mixed use development including commercial and residential uses built in conjunction with the fire station. Its location near transit and its proximity to four universities, the National Arboretum, the Metropolitan Branch Trail, and downtown make it an attractive site prime for new investment.

Engine Company 12 RFP 

Request for Proposals - Engine Company 12

Engine Company 12 RFP - Amendment #1  - Extension (12/13/21)

Engine Company 12 RFP - Amendment #2 - Questions and Answers (01/11/22) 

Engine Company 12 RFP - Amendment #3 - Questions and Answers (1/14/22)

Contact information of Respondents who requested to share their information with other interested parties

DMPED held an introductory site tour at the Development Parcel (“Site Tour”) on November 16, 2021 and conducted a pre-response information session held online (“Information Session”) on November 24, 2021.

DMPED conducted a public hearing for the disposition of the property on Monday, November 14, 2022. Two respondents to the RFP presented that evening. The presentations given by each team are available at the following links in pdf format.

Respondent Proposal – Presentation at Disposition Hearing by Rosewood Montage Eastbanc

Respondent Proposal – Presentation at Disposition Hearing by Rift Valley Partners


Questions? Contact Daniel Lyons at [email protected] or 202-807-0337.