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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Resources from the DC government and external partners for starting, growing, and running your business.

DC Doing Business Guide: Published by the Washington, DC Economic Partnership (WDCEP), the Doing Business Guide covers essential information on operating in the District if you’re seeking to start a business, relocate or expand to the District, or grow your existing company.

WDCEP’s Entrepreneur Toolkits: Resource guides for starting a sector-specific business or nonprofit:

Small Business Toolkit: The Department of Small and Local Business Development’s (DSLBD) free, centralized platform with access to resources, events, agency and service provider points-of-contact, and business networking.

Small Business Technical Assistance: Through Community Based Non-Profit Organizations (CBOs), the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) provides business support services to small and retail businesses in eligible commercial areas of DC.

Descriptions of DC Incubators, Accelerators, and Co-Working Spaces
Incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces provide start-up firms and small businesses with an entrepreneurial environment, professional network, savvy mentors, and critical resources to develop and grow successful businesses.

DC BizCAP: The DC Business Capital Program offers small business financing programs such as collateral support, loan participation, and innovation finance (co-investment with private partners). Businesses can also qualify for a securities offering exemption for crowdfunding. DC BizCAP is administered by the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking (DISB).