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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Retail Grant and Grow Expo

Last Date:

901 G Street, NW,
MLK Library

Join the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) for the first-ever Retail Grant and Grow Expo!

This fiscal year, DMPED is streamlining how businesses apply for and are awarded grant funding by all retail grant programs at the same time.
Over $19 million in DMPED retail grants will be made available this fiscal year.

DMPED's Retail Grant and Grow Expo will provide business owners and entrepreneurs support through the grant compliance process, prequalification for eligible programs and technical assistance with application submission.

Below are the open funding opportunities that will be showcased at the Retail Grant and Grow Expo:

Downtown Recovery Grant Program, $3 million
Supports businesses opening or expanding into a retail or commercial space that has been vacant for at least six months and is located in the Downtown DC or Golden Triangle Business Improvement District.

Great Streets Retail Small Business Grant, $2.55 million
Supports the transformation of 13 emerging commercial corridors into thriving and inviting livable, walkable, and shoppable neighborhood centers. The program awards up to $85,000 to eligible businesses for use towards renovating their place of business, purchasing new equipment, offering a new product or service, and creating more jobs.

Neighborhood Prosperity Fund, $3 million
Supports mixed-used, real estate, or retail development projects in targeted census tracts where unemployment is at 10% or higher. The grants provide necessary gap funding for the commercial component of development projects that will help create job opportunities and provide new neighborhood amenities.

Locally Made, $1.45 million
Supports local manufacturing businesses by providing funding dedicated to improving commercial properties designated for industrial use. The program is designed to grow the District’s local business economy through bolstering manufacturing and strengthening supply chains Districtwide.

Commercial Property Acquisition Fund, $6 million
Provides eligible businesses with down payment assistance of up to $750,000 or 25% of the sale price, whichever is less, for the acquisition of commercial property in the District. Businesses must be eligible to be an equity impact enterprise.

DC Fun Destinations 3.6 million
The Program will provide grants for the purpose of creating or enhancing public spaces, exhibits, or activities that will attract families to the District’s Central Business District or other nearby commercial corridors.

Agenda for the Day

10:00AM - 10:20AM Welcome Remarks

10:30AM – 11:15AM Info Sessions Begin (first round)

CPAF 101 (Auditorium)
Great Streets/Locally Made Info Session (Conference Center)
NPF Info Session (Conference Center)
Downtown Recovery (Conference Center)
Family Fun Destination (Conference Center)
Technical Assistance from OTR/CPG/OCP (Room A)
Exhibitors (SBTA providers, CDFI’s, district agencies)

11:15AM – 12:00PM Info Sessions Begin (second round)

CPAF 101 (Auditorium)
Great Streets/Locally Made Info Session (Conference Center)
NPF Info Session (Conference Center)
Downtown Recovery (Conference Center)
Family Fun Destination (Conference Center)
Technical Assistance from OTR/CPG/OCP (Room A)
Exhibitors (SBTA providers, CDFI’s, district agencies)

12:00PM – 12:30PM (Meet the Exhibitors/ Get Assistance)

Technical Assistance from OTR/CPG/OCP (Room A)
Exhibitors (SBTA providers, CDFI’s, district agencies)

12:30PM – 1:15PM Info Sessions Begin (third round)

CPAF 101 (Auditorium)
Great Streets/Locally Made Info Session (Conference Center)
NPF Info Session (Conference Center)
Downtown Recovery (Conference Center)
Family Fun Destination (Conference Center)
Technical Assistance from OTR/CPG/OCP (Room A)
Exhibitors (SBTA providers, CDFI’s, district agencies)

1:15PM – 2:30PM Info Sessions Begin (fourth round)

CPAF 101 (Auditorium)
Great Streets/Locally Made Info Session (Conference Center)
NPF Info Session (Conference Center)
Downtown Recovery (Conference Center)
Family Fun Destination (Conference Center)
Technical Assistance from OTR/CPG/OCP (Room A)
Exhibitors (SBTA providers, CDFI’s, district agencies)

2:00PM – 3:00PM Get Assistance / Vendor Engagement

3:00PM Event Concludes (breakdown)


