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The Wren Breaks Ground in DC

Monday, December 4, 2017
The nearly 300,000-square-foot mixed-use building will include a ground-level Whole Foods store and 433 residential units, of which 132 will be affordable.
The Wren in Washington, D.C.

Multi-Housing News by Beata Lorincz

MRP Realty, Ellis Development Group and JBG SMITH have broken ground on The Wren, located in the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The 289,686-square-foot mixed-use development is aiming for LEED Silver certification.

The Wren is located at 965 Florida Ave. NW, in close proximity to Howard University. The building will feature 433 residential units and a 43,406-square-foot Whole Foods, which will anchor the building through the ground floor, bringing additional street-level retail to the area. 

“The Shaw neighborhood has been a major focus for JBG SMITH,”said Kai Reynolds, co-chief development officer of JBG SMITH, in prepared remarks. “Participating in the neighborhood’s transformation from night-life driven to a hub for dining and retail has been remarkable. And now, with the addition of The Wren, even more people will have the opportunity to enjoy Shaw and call it home.” 


The project was designed according to the District’s new land disposition rules regarding new buildings constructed on previously District-owned land, featuring 132 affordable residential units out of the 433. The introduction of the Wren into the urban structure of the area involved widening the sidewalks around the site and building a continuation of Bryant St. NW. 

“This development is not about building another apartment building, but about creating and contributing to a community. Mayor Bowser and Whole Foods have been critical in helping us achieve our vision for this project, and we’re looking forward to delivering it,” said Bob Murphy, managing principal of MRP Realty, in a prepared statement.