(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Mayor Bowser and the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) announced a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the revitalization of the Engine Company 12 fire station and parking lot owned by the District along Rhode Island Avenue NE in Ward 5. The District will prioritize proposals that create a vibrant, mixed-income and mixed-use community with a pedestrian-oriented design that strengthens the neighborhood and offers new housing, retail, amenities and job opportunities to District residents.
“The vision for Engine Company 12 is simple: a mixed-income and mixed-use community anchored by a fire station,” said Mayor Bowser. “When we think about high-opportunity neighborhoods, we think about places that are near public transportation and close to bustling corridors like Rhode Island Avenue. With this project, just a block from the Metro, we can deliver more for Ward 5 – more housing, more jobs, and more opportunity.”
The development opportunity is comprised of two lots (square 131, lots 216 and 044) at 2225 5th Street NE and 513 Rhode Island Avenue NE that together total 30,574 square feet and sit on the border of the Edgewood and Eckington neighborhoods. It is walking distance to the Rhode Island Avenue – Brentwood Metrorail station and multiple bus stops. The property is zoned MU-10, which permits medium to high density mixed-use development by right.
“We are looking forward to providing the Edgewood and Eckington community with the housing, retail, and other amenities they deserve, while ensuring brave men and women of Engine Company 12 have a state-of-the-art facility,” said Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development John Falcicchio. “We made this a priority knowing it was an important delivery for our Ward 5 neighbors and can’t wait to add to this vibrant community.”
Redevelopment of the site must incorporate a new fire station for Engine Company 12. Given robust population growth and construction activity in the area, the site is a prime candidate for mixed use development including commercial and residential uses built in conjunction with the fire station. Its location near transit and its proximity to four universities, the National Arboretum, the Metropolitan Branch Trail, and downtown make it an attractive site prime for new investment.
Respondents should adhere to the development framework outlined in the Rhode Island Avenue Small Area Plan which was created after years of planning and engagement with the community and various District agencies. For more information, please visit the DMPED website. All proposals are due to DMPED by December 17, 2021.