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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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District Issues Development Solicitation for Poplar Point

Friday, August 10, 2007
Press Advisory for Immediate Release

(Washington, DC) The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development today issued a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for the planning and development of an approximately 130-acre portion of Poplar Point, along the eastern banks of the Anacostia River in Ward 8.

“Poplar Point is one of the largest major urban redevelopment sites on the East Coast and it is certainly one of the most exciting,” said Neil O. Albert, deputy mayor for planning and economic development. “We’re looking for a development team with extraordinary vision, robust financial capacity and a proven track record for completing extremely complex world-class waterfront projects.”

District officials expect the RFEI will stimulate interest from the local, national and international development communities. Responses will be due in mid-October and a development partner will be selected before the end of the year.

The District’s vision for the redevelopment of Poplar Point as embodied in the Anacostia Waterfront Framework Plan, includes high-quality design, a commitment to environmental stewardship and the preservation of community character. The selected developer will be expected to engage local residents and other stakeholders during the planning and development process. The District expects the development will promote affordable housing, green design standards and greater job and business opportunities for District residents. The RFEI allows for the inclusion of a stadium use at Poplar Point, but it is not required.

Currently, much of Poplar Point is controlled by the federal government and public access to the river is severely restricted. District officials are working closely with the federal officials to complete a land transfer that will give the District control of the property within the next two years. Under the terms of the transfer agreement, the District must reserve at least 70 acres at Poplar Point for a park and produce a plan for the area that is certified by the Secretary of the Interior.

Poplar Point is one of the key sites in the District’s ambitious Anacostia Waterfront Initiative, which anticipates more than $10 billion worth of investment–new parks, trails, housing, retail, office space, cultural amenities and environmental restoration—along the river’s banks during the next 20 years.