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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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District Announces Short List of Developers for Poplar Point

Friday, November 16, 2007
Press Advisory for Immediate Release

(Washington, DC) The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development today named four development teams to a short list of developers who are interested in developing Poplar Point, an approximately 130-acre parcel of land along the Anacostia River in Ward 8.

“These firms have shown extraordinary vision and presented us with some truly remarkable possibilities for the site,” said Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Neil O. Albert. “We’ve said all along that Poplar Point is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a new neighborhood along the Anacostia River. We have to get it right. The quality of these proposals—from nationally respected development companies—really validates our decision to hold a competitive process.”

The short-listed development teams are led by:

  • Archstone-Smith and Madison Marquette
  • Clark Realty Capital
  • Forest City Enterprises
  • General Growth Properties, Mid-City Urban, Doracon.

The District released a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) to develop Poplar Point in August. The submissions were due November 2, 2007. Seven teams responded to the solicitation. The District narrowed the field to a short list after evaluating each proposal with respect to the evaluation criteria listed RFEI, which included financial capacity, vision, commitment to community engagement and experience in developing major urban waterfrontsA public meeting will be held during the first week of December at which time the short-listed teams will present their vision for the site. The District is on track to select a development partner by the end of the year.

Poplar Point is one of the key sites in the District’s ambitious Anacostia Waterfront Initiative, which anticipates more than $10 billion worth of investment—new parks, trails, housing, retail, office space, cultural amenities and environmental restoration—along the river’s banks during the next 20 years. The District expects development at Poplar Point will promote affordable housing, green design standards and greater job and business opportunities for District residents.