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Developer Seeks to Rezone DC’s Grimke School Site for Redevelopment

Wednesday, January 10, 2018
DC UrbanTurf by Nena Perry-Brown

Previous rendering of Grimke School redevelopment

Last March, UrbanTurf reported that DC had picked Community Three Development to reenvision the Grimke School off U Street after years of stalled plans. Now, the developer has taken the first official step toward realizing those plans.

Community Three has applied for a map amendment that would re-zone the 37,926 square-foot site at 1925 Vermont Avenue NW (map) from RF-1 to ARTS-2, enabling a mixed-use development with moderate-density residential.

Redevelopment site plan

As envisioned, the former school will be retrofit to create 30,000 square feet of office space, 4,000 square feet of cultural use space administered by CulturalDC and an 11,000 square-foot space to house the African-American Civil War Museum. The gymnasium that is currently at the rear of the school serving as a temporary home for the Museum will be razed in order to create 25 residential units. The office space will include a new headquarters for Torti Gallas + Partners, which is also the architect on the development.