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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Engine Company 3 RFP Questions and Answers

QUESTION 1: I’m writing regarding the site tour for the [Engine 3] RFP, held June 28 [2023]. Would you be able to forward that sign-in sheet, or advise if/when it will be posted?

ANSWER 1: While DMPED is not providing a copy of the sign-in sheet for the site tour held on June 28, 2023, DMPED is offering to publicly release the contact information of Respondents that want to share their information with other interested parties. If you would like for your information to be released, please contact the Project Development Manager with the following information by the last day of the Pre-Response Question & Answer Period:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Point of contact name
  • Point of contact email address Line of business (e.g. architect, general contractor, developer, etc.)

QUESTION 2: We would like to express our desire for a minimum 30-day extension [from September 21, 2023].

ANSWER 2: The Submission Due Date has been changed to October 27, 2023 (5:00 PM ET), please see the Project Website for details.

QUESTION 3: Are labeled separator pages with the part heading included in the 55-page count?

ANSWER 3: Per the Engine Company 3 Redevelopment RFP Technical Section Page 8, “Solicitation Process” Section, “RFP Submission Requirements” sub-section, “Format” sub-section, romanette iv, “Proposals must not exceed a total of fifty-five pages, excluding labeled separator pages and appendices.”

QUESTION 4: Is Part 19: Disposition Hearing Presentation of Proposed Uses - included in the overall page count? If so, how many slides should be included per page? If not, could the presentation be included as an appendix?

ANSWER 4: The Disposition Hearing Presentation is part of the fifty-five page limit, it is not an appendix. For the Disposition Hearing Presentation itself, one slide equals one page, for a maximum of fifteen (15) slides or pages.