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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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1617U – 1617 U Street NW and 1620 V Street NW
Release Date: TBD
Submission Deadline: TBD

The site is comprised of two parcels (lots 826 and 827 in square 175) that together total approximately 1.88 acres. The site fronts 17th Street NW, U Street NW, and V Street NW. It is within walking distance of two Metrorail stations, the U Street station (green and yellow lines) and the Dupont Circle station (red line) and also multiple bus stops. The site’s location near transit and its proximity to the U Street, 14th Street, and 18th Street corridors – neighborhoods which are experiencing robust population growth, and which maintain an active nightlife – make it an attractive site prime for new investment.

The 2021 Comprehensive Plan envisions this site as high-density mixed-use. A map amendment is currently in process to rezone the property from MU-4 to MU-10 to allow mixed-use development including residential and retail in conjunction with new municipal facilities.

The property is currently home to an active police station (Third District headquarters), fire station (Engine Company 9), and fuel station. Built in the 60s, the facilities are nearly 60 years old. Redevelopment of the site must incorporate new facilities for each of these uses. There must also be continuity of operations for the police and fire departments.

Surplus Hearing
DMPED conducted a public hearing to receive comment on the potential designation of part of the property as surplus on July 14, 2022, at the Metropolitan Police Department’s 3rd District station at 1620 V Street NW. The meeting was recorded. The audio recording is available at the following link:

Community Engagement
DMPED has presented at or otherwise participated in over a dozen formal, noticed community meetings to date including DMPED’s surplus hearing and various meetings with ANCs 1B, 2B, and 1C as listed below. DMPED’s most recent presentation (to ANC 1B at its 10/19/23 meeting) can be found at the following link:

Past Meetings
03/25/22     March Madness Event
07/14/22     Public Hearing (Surplus)
02/01/23     ANC 2B Land Use Committee
02/16/23     ANC 1B Economic Development Committee
03/15/23     ANC 1C Planning, Zoning, & Transportation Committee
03/16/23    March Madness Event
03/16/23    ANC 1B Economic Development Committee
04/04/23    ANC 2B Land Use Committee
04/06/23    ANC 1B
04/11/23    ANC 2B
05/17/23    ANC 1C Planning, Zoning, & Transportation Committee
10/19/23    ANC 1B Economic Development Committee
11/16/23    ANC 1B Economic Development Committee
06/20/24   ANC 1B Economic Development Committee
06/27/24   ANC 1B

See also meetings under "Zoning Case" below.

Next Meeting
The next meeting on the calendar is an ANC meeting.
10/17/24   ANC 1B Economic Development Committee

Zoning Case
The Zoning Commission is currently considering a map amendment to rezone the property from MU-4 to MU-10 to allow mixed-use development including residential and retail in conjunction with new municipal facilities. More information on the zoning case can be found on the Office of Zoning’s website at the following link:

The application for rezoning was filed in 2023 on 01/18/23 and a zoning hearing for the case commenced in 2024 on 01/08/24. To date, the Zoning Commission has conducted hearings and otherwise met to consider the case on the following dates:

02/23/23   Public Meeting (Setdown)
06/26/23   Public Meeting (Setdown)
11/20/23   Public Meeting
12/14/23   Public Meeting
01/08/24   Public Hearing #1
01/18/24   Public Hearing #2
01/29/24   Public Hearing #3
02/12/24   Public Hearing #4
02/26/24   Public Hearing #5
03/18/24   Public Hearing #6
05/09/24   Public Meeting
05/30/24   Public Meeting
07/11/24   Public Meeting  (Proposed Action)
09/12/24  Public Meeting (Final Action)

Meetings are virtual (online only) and are set to begin at 4 pm. Information on how to participate is provided in the hearing notice which can be found at the following link: 

Questions? Contact Daniel Lyons at [email protected] or 202-807-0337.