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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Frank D. Reeves Center Redevelopment RFP Q&A Portal

Q&A Responses: 

QUESTION 1: May we please have a copy of the sign-in sheet for the Site Tour [of the Frank D. Reeves Center on December 8, 2022]?

ANSWER 1: While DMPED is not providing a copy of the sign-in sheet for the site tour on Dec 8, 2022, DMPED is offering to publicly release the contact information of Respondents that want to share their information with other interested parties. If you would like for your information to be released, please contact the Project Development Manager with the following information by the last day of the Pre-Response
Question & Answer Period:

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Point of contact name
  • Point of contact email address Line of business (e.g. architect, general contractor, developer, etc.)

QUESTION 2: [Would DMPED] Please provide a 90-day submission extension?

ANSWER 2: DMPED is committed to keeping this Project on track to break ground in the summer of 2025 by managing a tightly scheduled RFP process and Proposals are due on the Submission Due Date of January 20, 2023.

QUESTION3: Are there any civil as-built plans or surveys the team would be able to access and utilize?

ANSWER 3: DMPED is not aware of any civil as-built plans or surveys for the Development Parcel.

QUESTION 4: Please confirm there are two full levels of underground garage. Please also confirm garage level floor to ceiling heights.

ANSWER 4: An introductory site tour at the Development Parcel inclusive of the parking garage was held on December 8, 2022. Respondents are responsible for performing their own due diligence, and the Frank D. Reeves Center of Municipal Affairs parking garage is open to the public for public parking during specific posted hours, currently daily from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am. For questions regarding public access hours and the costs of parking and/or access, please contact the operator of the garage public parking services, U Street Parking, at 202-265-0010.

QUESTION 5: Please confirm the garage goes below the Geno Baroni building. Please confirm Geno Baroni has no access to garage and has no rights to parking spaces.

ANSWER 5: The Geno Baroni apartment building encumbers the air rights parcel and for questions regarding the air rights parcel and/or tenancy Respondents should contact the Air Rights Lessee directly through Horning Brothers’ Vice President of Development, Andrew Vincent, at 202-659-0700 x 1214 or email [email protected].