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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Kingman Island and Heritage Island Parks

Kingman Island

As a District-funded restoration project, Kingman Island and Heritage Island represent an opportunity for residents and tourists alike to enjoy an environmental learning and observation experience. A renovated pedestrian bridge now provides access to these islands, and over 40 acres of tidal marsh in Kingman Lake are currently being restored. The renovated islands will include a new Environmental Education Center and a memorial tree grove dedicated to the District of Columbia schoolchildren who were victims of the September 11 terrorist attack. Self-guided trails and interpretive stations will instruct visitors about the abundant natural history of the Anacostia River and will track contemporary efforts to restore the river’s wildlife, habitats and water quality.

Development Partners

  • Not Applicable - the restoration of Kingman Island and Heritage Islands is a DMPED-implemented project


  • Near Benning Road SE and RFK Stadium at the Anacostia River and RFK Stadium north parking lots ( Ward 7)

Next Steps

  • Prepare for demolition and clearing of targeted areas to make way for construction

Restoration Program

  • Environmental Education Center (GSF): 9,000
  • Parks/Open Space: 45 acres
  • Miscellaneous: Network of walking trails; Memorial Grove for 9/11 victims
  • Cost: TBD

Civic Investments

  • Provides ongoing summer youth training and projects and non-profit partner Living Classrooms conducts educational programs for youth
  • Provides organizing site for river clean-ups, establishment of park resource and outdoor classrooms for District students
  • Honors September 11th tragedy victims
  • Restores natural habitat along Anacostia River

Environmental Sustainability

  • LEED-Platinum Environmental Education Center
  • Environmentally restored islands

Another proposed element for the project is an Environmental Education Center that will be a premier destination for learning about the river’s restoration and the importance of environmental preservation.