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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

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Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development - DMPED

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Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

Connect With Us
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 317, Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-6365
Fax: (202) 727-6703
TTY: 711
Email: [email protected]

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DC just set an ambitious goal to become the No. 1 city for ‘inclusive innovation’

Date Released: 
Thu, 12/01/2016 DC by Tajha Chappellet-Lanier

Why start your tech company in D.C.?

Silicon Valley has the big names, the big successes, and Boston and New York both have more venture funding. What does D.C. have? It’s a question that comes back again and again within #dctech, and there are a variety of potential answers.


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