DCist by Rachel Sadon
There are 3,757 affordable units under construction. The average hourly wage in D.C. is $37.38. The unemployment rate in the District is 6.6 percent.
There are many places to find those statistics and other basic facts about the city's economic development, but there hasn't been a single, easy-to-navigate website with that information—until now. The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development launched an "economic intelligence dashboard" today that features metrics analyzing construction, real estate, housing, and employment trends
"It's a response to a lot of residents who ask these questions," says DMPED spokesman Joaquin McPeek, particularly citing residents' who want to know what is being done about the affordable housing crisis.
The tool also pulls in information from the real estate tracker that DMPED released to the public in August.
The initiatives fall in line with the administration's pledge to make government data more accessible through technology. “The new dashboard highlights my administration’s priorities around transparency, accountability, and leveraging data to respond to residents’ needs and improve the District," Mayor Muriel Bowser said in a statement.